Sunday, February 03, 2008

Jumping up and down with joy

Yesterday, went to town woohoo! I'm so happy haaaa.
K, cos its like taking a break away from studies or something.

Kisskiss mrt :D

HELLO ME LOVE BLUE. No actually its purple.

Tskkk I was putting on eyelinerrrr.

I think that all the J's in the world are coolzxzx.

Shopped and I got for myself 2 pairs of short shorts. Purple and white respectively.
And I got 2 more piercings! HAHA okay people's gonna say something about me. "You chao ah lian!" or "You crazy ah get so many piercings for what! Doesn't that hurt?"

:D :D
Whoever gives a damn about how people feel about me?
I love me and thats all that matter, right? Hell yeah (Inserts :D)

Just a short entry today cos I'm pretty much in a bad mood for both today and today. This really sucks cos I think it'll all change. At least thats what I thought, how about you? Wellllllll. Apologise, thats what anyone can do. Or thats what I think I can do. Isn't it? Someone please give me a solution D:

Monday = CH commontest = Pek chek and tskkkk mood (!!)
Alamakkkkk I guess thats live, live it that way hoho, thats it.
Oh yah, I lost my technology with wings. @$%^!#%!

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